Turner | Spin Kitchen


Written by Tyler Wilcox | May 3, 2019
Where digital meets travel + lifestyle … A collection of can’t-miss news from this week, including spring travel trends. Sign up to get the TURNER Weekly Download in your inbox every Friday.

Total Wellness

It’s not enough these days to simply be healthy. The trend in 2019 is Total Wellness. “With total well-being, wellness isn’t just about healing our bodies,” writes Forbes’ Nicole Dunn. “It's about nourishing our minds, spirits, communities and environment through holistic practices that uplift everyone involved.” The health & wellness industry is shifting from body towards soul, and emphasizing other aspects of health such as stress, nutrition and detoxification.

Workplace Workout

Total Wellness is definitely going to be a big part of the workplace landscape in the years to come. Entrepreneur writes: “Recent statistics claim that truly successful programs, if implemented right, can increase an employee’s physical activity by 50 percent, decrease medical costs and absenteeism by 17 percent, and improve employee engagement by 59 per cent, on an average.” So, how can we improve workplace wellness? There are plenty of easy upgrades, air quality improvement, ergonomic furniture and easy access to nutritious food among them. Get the full details.

Millennial Health

Millennials are driving the “total wellness” trend. This generation loves yoga. They love meditation. They love boutique fitness franchises. But are millennials actually healthier than previous generations? A new report from the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association says no. TIME reports that “around age 27, millennials’ health began to decline — and trends suggest the downturn may be more than what could be expected from normal aging.” That means in the future workplace productivity will be going down and healthcare costs will be going up …

Make Your Trip Mindful

Millennials also love to travel (but then again, who doesn’t?). Now, there are countless ways to incorporate wellness into travel. Tara Cruz, the spa director at Four Seasons Hotel New York Downtown, has some tips (via Forbes). Meditation apps like Headspace or The Breathing, can help you decrease stress and maintain calm in hectic spaces. Spa treatments are a must – take advantage of your hotel’s offerings! And daily physical activity is essential. “You can even combine exercising with sightseeing,” says Cruz.” Book a walking or biking tour of your destination or go on a guided sightseeing run.”

Weekly Moment of Zen

Summer movie season is almost here. Here are the best flicks coming soon to your local multiplex.