Spin Kitchen

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content marketing

It’s Not All Doom & Gloom: Reasons To Be Optimistic About The Current Media Landscape

For anyone who’s been paying attention, it’s easy to feel like the sky is falling for the media industry. In a New Yorker feature titled “Is The...

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What Can We Do Better? Content Creators Sound Off On Their PR Pet Peeves

For the past few years, we’ve been chatting with some of our favorite writers, podcasters, influencers and content creators for our TURNER Q&A...

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How Brands Can Thrive in Social Media’s Entertainment Age

“Entertainment fuels the social ROI engine” — that headline jumped out at us while perusing Hootsuite’s always illuminating annual social media...

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Get in the Content Game

Yes, that phrase I loathe so much – “Content is king” is still being circulated. While it still lives in infamy, the true story is the fact that...

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